What days do we train?
Your coaching team will advise you when you can train. Times and locations are listed in Training Times and Locations.
When will we be moved up to another day's training session?
This will be decided by the coaching team. When a coach decides that a swimmer is ready to either move up a squad/lane or is ready to attend another session it is reported to the Head Coach who will make the final decision. You will then be informed of the decision and invited to move lanes or attend additional sessions. Please feel free to discuss this with your swimmers coach but also please respect their decision as they ultimately are the experts and know what is best for your swimmer.
What competitions do we attend as a club?
There are many Galas and Open Meets we attend throughout the year. These include Airedale and Wharfedale (A&W) galas which is a series-based local club competition. We always try to get into the Borough of Barnsley Christmas Sprints. This is massively popular more because of the quality of the Christmas themed medals. We have swimmers who qualify for the Yorkshire Championship, North East Regionals and National competitions. We hold our own Club Gala each year as well. We also attend many, many others throughout the year. We are currently looking at entering a “big†meet once a month and will update members once these have been decided. Each meet/gala is advertised long in advance and entries can be completed on Swim Manager.
Details of this years Galas can be found in the Competition Schedule page.
What is swim manager and how do I get a log in
Once you have become a member of the club and the Membership Secretary has completed the necessary admin you will be sent a link to Swim Manager. Upon receipt of this click on the link and then go to forgotten password. An email with a link to change your password should come through shortly after. Follow the instruction on there and then this should give you full access to the desktop site. There is a mobile app on both Android and Apple but this isn't as comprehensive.
Swim Manager automatically generates all invoices related to your swimmer. You can access the club shop through it and order anything you require. It lists upcoming meets and allows you to enter via this system. It a really useful tool and please just ask if you are unsure about anything.
Social Media and WhatsApp
Once you are a member of the club, you will have access to a members only whatsapp group and facebook page which will keep you fully up to date with any changes in training, instructions for galas and advice from Coaches.